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A contemplative exercise - Lord Help Me

Updated: May 17, 2021

This is descriptive guidance of a contemplative exercise that is centered in the teachings of Christ and the practices of the Gurdjieff work. It supports an activation and reception, and a blending and balancing, of the results of the food octaves of the Soul. It is demanding and requires a great deal of preparatory work. It is practiced in the morning.

1. The beginning…

  • I prepare a space and place in the morning - I honor this effort. It is mine to give and mine to receive.

  • I sit in a supportive posture - usually on a meditation stool or chair - waiting patiently for the body to settle.

  • When I feel a quiet space inside, I begin to place my attention at the top of my head, at the center-point of the crown, and gently contact the organic sensations of the body (such as tingling of the skin, the breeze of the breath, pulsations of the blood, muscular tensions, feeling energy) that are ever-present.

  • From here, I survey the body as I move from the top of my head, down through the body, to the soles of the feet.

  • I then strive to have a sensation of the ‘whole body’— an impression of everything together.

2. An initial circulation…

  • I begin the normal "preparation exercise", consciously moving the attention up and down the right arm, then right leg, then left leg and then left arm to contact the sensations of the body - to bring them to life.

  • The body 'buzzes' with an energy that I can almost see and hear. I am electric.

  • After completing this, I again try to sense the whole body, as one piece in one glance.

3. A circulation in the prayer of filling…

  • I move the attention to the top of my head, contacting the sensations, and in a simple, inner gesture of genuine ‘asking’, I say silently to myself… Dear Lord.”

  • On the next normal in-breath, I then silently say to myself, as if my life depended on it,… “…help me to be…”, and then on the next out-breath, silently say… “…what you need me to be.”

  • Simultaneously with the breath and silent prayer, I fill my entire right arm with sensation. When my right arm is completely filled, I let it all go.

  • I repeat the same process of normal breath in and out while silently saying… “…help me to be…what you need me to be”, with the right leg, left leg and left arm.

  • I then return to the beginning, contacting the top of the head and reciting… “Dear Lord”, and repeat this entire process a further two times (completing three total circulations in the prayer of filling).

4. An intentional movement of energy from the limbs to the reproductive organs…

  • After completing Step 3, I pause for a moment in preparation.

  • On the next normal in-breath, I fill all of the limbs with sensation and, as I do, silently pronounce "I" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • On the following out-breath, I redirect all of the limbs’ energy to the reproductive organs…filling the reproductive organs as completely as I can and, as I do, silently pronounce "AM" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • This process is repeated for a total of three times.

5. A movement of energy from the reproductive organs to the spine…

  • After completing Step 4, on the next normal in-breath, I contact the energy that now fills the reproductive organs and, as I do, silently pronounce "I" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • On the following out-breath, I intentionally redirect this energy to fill the whole of my spine, from the base of the tail bone to the base of the head and, as I do, silently pronounce "AM" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • I then let this all go.

6. A movement of energy from the reproductive organs to the solar plexus…

  • After I repeat the entire process of Steps 3 and 4 again, on the next normal in-breath, I contact the energy that fills the reproductive organs and, as I do, silently pronounce "I" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • On the following out-breath, I intentionally redirect this energy to the whole of my solar plexus, from back to front and, as I do, silently pronounce "AM" - allowing it to reverberate .

  • I then let this all go.

7. A movement of energy from the reproductive organs to the head and the feeling of the whole of myself…

  • Again, after I repeat the entire process of Steps 3 and 4, on the next normal in-breath, I contact the energy that fills the reproductive organs and, as I do, silently pronounce "I" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • On the following out-breath, I intentionally redirect this energy to the whole of my head, filling the head and, as I do, silently pronounce "AM" - allowing it to reverberate.

  • I then allow this energy to move downwards into the whole of the body, merging with the spine, solar plexus, reproductive organs and all the limbs.

  • When I again have the sensation, the feeling, of the ‘whole of myself,’ I complete silently, and with inner sincerity, saying to myself… “Dear Lord, help me to be what you need me to be.

8. Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer…

  • When the wholeness of myself rests in completeness, I raise the hands, palms open to the level of my chest, and chest and head open and slightly elevated in a posture of receptivity.

  • When I feel this openness, I recite the Lord’s Prayer with a deep sincerity:

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.
  • I feel the prayer reverberate in me and merging with the unknown.

9. Moving into life...

As I slowly let go of the exercise, I allow the energy to find its own place in me and move gently into my day. I have an active wish to remain in contact with this energy in life.


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