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Christ Healing Exercise

[Jesus] said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Mark 5:34 NIV

The allure of the allopathic model, prevalent in mainstream medicine and mental health therapy, often promotes a system that perpetuates illness rather than fostering true health. In contrast, the naturopathic model, which falls under alternative and complementary therapies, ideally aims to prevent illness and promote lasting wellness.

However, both the allopathic and, to a significant extent, naturopathic approaches have been compromised by the pervasive influence of commercialization and a reductionist worldview that sees human beings as nothing more than physical matter. In such a context, the possibility of creating the conditions for authentic healing is being systematically eroded.

Ultimately, modern life is disempowering individuals from taking ownership of their own healing, instead transferring this responsibility to institutions and industries that have been granted authority to act as if they hold the ultimate power—driven largely by the pursuit of profit.

For Christians, it is crucial to recognize in practice that true healing cannot be manufactured by human efforts alone. Genuine healing must be sought through Christ. At the core of Christ’s ministry on Earth was a mission of healing, accomplished through faith, prayer, and a deep commitment to God, where true authority resides.


Here, by the way, it is curious to notice that as a result of the intentional concentration of this reverberation on any part of his body, a man can stop any disharmony which has arisen in this said part of the body, that is to say, he can for example cure his headache by concentrating the reverberation on that part of the head where he has the sensation of pain.

Gurdjieff in "Life is Real Only Then, When 'I AM'", Penguin Arkana 1999, page 135.


A Healing Exercise

The Preparation Exercise is undertaken first. On completion, stay with the state of a "whole-sensation" of the body which brings with it a calm, centred, and deeply quiet state, yet is very attentive to inner movement.

When ready, call on Christ as a visual image of white light, in front you and slightly higher than the head. Feel the warmth of the light, its smell, its soft texture, its translucent nature, it needs to be visceral, imbuing it with as much clarity as possible.

Know that this is Christ before you, clearly and definitely and without doubt. When ready, gently breath in the light, slowly but surely, little bits at first, and more so when practiced. Feel, through the sensations of the body, the light filling every limb, every organ, every cell.

Nothing is forced. I try as best I can. In time, discipline and quality of practice will refine the effort.

Let yourself bath in the light, simply and plainly.

Wishing for nothing, confess your unworthiness, honestly and deeply. When a more true feeling of remorsefulness sets in, ask Christ for healing, without expectation, and what needs healing.

Stay with this as long as you can while sustaining a whole-sensation of the body, a remorseful feeling, and a single-mindedness in asking.

When you feel the effort becoming forceful, let this go and slowly breath the light's return into the image of Christ.

When completely empty of light, give thanks, and let the image of Christ go, and gently move towards life again - with a wish to sustain a thread to what has just been tried.


When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them: “Take nothing for the journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

Luke 9:1-6 NIV



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