"Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21 NKJV
J.G. Bennett's Hyparxis
In J.G. Bennett's The Dramatic Universe, he articulates four determining conditions of universal order: space, time, eternity, and hyparxis. While space, time, and eternity align broadly with established philosophical frameworks, Bennett’s concept of hyparxis introduces a unique dimension.
Hyparxis represents a state of sensitivity, transcending the limitations of existence to allow transformative action through the free operation of the Will. It shares qualities with the Future but remains unbound by pre-determination. Bennett equates this condition with the "Kingdom of Heaven," as it is accessible in the present moment through states of ecstasy or transformation and persists in the "Living Past."
Christ's Kingdom of Heaven
Similar to Bennett’s hyparxis, Christ’s teachings on the "Kingdom of Heaven" highlight its spiritual essence, transformative nature, and ethical imperatives. It is both a present reality and a future hope, with key aspects including:
Present and Future Reality: Jesus proclaims that the Kingdom is "at hand" (Mark 1:15), signifying its initiation through His ministry, yet it will be fully realized at His return (Matthew 25:31-34).
Inner Transformation: Entry into the Kingdom requires repentance (Matthew 4:17) and spiritual rebirth (John 3:3-5).
Ethical Living: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10) outline Kingdom values such as humility, mercy, and purity of heart.
Inclusivity and Accessibility: The Kingdom is available to all who respond with faith and obedience (Luke 14:15-24).
Gurdjieff's World Laws
G.I. Gurdjieff’s writings complement these themes by emphasizing the soul’s development through intentional withdrawal from lower "World Laws" and submission to higher ones. This process requires prolonged self-study and the cultivation of "Being-Capacity" to discern and align with higher spiritual realities.
Experiencing Hyparxis, Higher World Laws, and the Kingdom of Heaven
The transformative experiences described by Bennett, Gurdjieff, and Christ converge on the necessity of reordering one’s inner life to transcend fragmentation and disconnection, and involves:
Intentional Awareness of Bodily Sensations: Cultivating sensitivity to the "organic sensations of the body" fosters a state of attentiveness that transcends the fragmented cacophony of habitual thought, emotional reactivity, and physical tension that is often marked by persistent or underlying anxiety as a result of a state of disconnection.
Attentive Practice and Collectedness: Through disciplined effort, a state of collectedness emerges, where thoughts, emotions, and sensations become harmonized. This integration allows the entry of higher qualities of energies and lifts one’s Being into transformative states.
Connection to Higher States: Sustained collectedness enables access to an "expanded present moment," offering glimpses of the life to come and the everlasting life promised by Christ to those who commit to the way of God.
Toward Everlasting Life
The pursuit of the Kingdom of Heaven, hyparxis, and higher spiritual laws ultimately points to the same profound truth: transformation begins with the development of a sustained and connected state of being. This foundational effort opens the way to experiencing higher states, enabling a foretaste of eternal life and the fulfillment of Christ’s promise of everlasting communion with God.